
Showing posts from 2015

Book Review: The New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger

The New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger was published on March 5, 2024 and falls into the mystery and thriller genres. I was thrilled when I learned that I received an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) from NetGalley for free in exchange for my honest review. However, I wasn't able to read and review the novel until now. This novel is reminiscent of the television show 666 Park Avenue and is definitely what I call a slow burn.   With that being said, it had twists and turns that had me guessing to the very end. Although the book is told from Rosie Lowan's perspective, there are some flashbacks to a previous owner that adds some mystery to the storyline. The transitions between the two perspectives are done exceptionally well. There are a mix of characters that are likable and unlikable. My favorite characters were Rosie and Max. Unfortunately, I didn't quite trust Rosie's husband Chad or the doorman named Abi. Lisa Unger has become one of my favorite authors, and I wish I had star

Product Review: Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs

Earlier this summer, I stumbled across a website called Curious, I checked out what they are about. offers its members products to try for free. The only catch is members have to review the product or products they receive. This sounded like a great opportunity, and I signed up. This past Saturday, I received my first product to test. It came in what is called a "VoxBox", and the product is Sally Hansen's Airbrush Legs, which is a leg makeup that is supposed to cover up any freckles, blemishes, etc.  And, let me tell you, I was super excited to try this product. When I first put it on my legs, I thought I might have incorrectly read what the product was for because it made my legs look darker, and I thought that it might actually be a tanning lotion of sorts. However, I didn't read it wrong . . . it is a makeup for your legs. Sally Hansen's Airbrush Legs did help cover up some of my imperfections on my legs like some

Book Review: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

After reading the last few words of the novel, I set it face down on the bed beside me and asked, "Did that really just end like that?" Never in my life has a book made me as angry as Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl . So much so that after finishing it, I had to sit there for a minute thinking about what I had just read before picking it back up off the bed and throwing across the room. Of course, after throwing it across the room, I jumped off the bed to pick it up the floor . . . worried that I had damaged the book. Yes, I know you're probably thinking I'm neurotic, but I like to keep the books I buy looking nice. Gone Girl  as a whole didn't make me angry . . . just the ending. I hated the fact that Nick decided to stay with Amy after all she put him through but understand his need to protect. For this reason alone, this made Nick a strong character in my mind because he was willing to go to extremes to protect the ones he loved. On the other


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