
Showing posts from January, 2017

Book Review: The New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger

The New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger was published on March 5, 2024 and falls into the mystery and thriller genres. I was thrilled when I learned that I received an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) from NetGalley for free in exchange for my honest review. However, I wasn't able to read and review the novel until now. This novel is reminiscent of the television show 666 Park Avenue and is definitely what I call a slow burn.   With that being said, it had twists and turns that had me guessing to the very end. Although the book is told from Rosie Lowan's perspective, there are some flashbacks to a previous owner that adds some mystery to the storyline. The transitions between the two perspectives are done exceptionally well. There are a mix of characters that are likable and unlikable. My favorite characters were Rosie and Max. Unfortunately, I didn't quite trust Rosie's husband Chad or the doorman named Abi. Lisa Unger has become one of my favorite authors, and I wish I had star

Book Review: The Bookseller by Cynthia Swanson

Let me begin by being upfront . . . I won an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) of The Bookseller by Cynthia Swanson in's First Reads Giveaway in exchange for my honest review of the book. Third time is a charm, right? It took me THREE tries to actually read Cynthia Swanson's The Bookseller , but on that third try, it sucked me in, and I couldn't put the book down. Fair warning, there are some minor spoilers below. Autism is a minor theme throughout the book. The way the characters handled and reacted to autistic kids took me by surprise and saddened me. No one seemed how to interact with these kids. What's even more surprising is the doctor said that autism is caused by mothers who don't show their babies enough love and don't hold them enough. I surely hope this wasn't really the way doctors thought in the 1960's. Another interesting point in The Bookseller is Kitty and Freida couldn't get a loan from the bank to open