
Showing posts from August, 2015

Book Review: First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston is about a woman named Evie Porter that has everything a woman could want. But the catch is ... Evie Porter doesn't exist. Her identity and location comes first ... Evie Porter. The mark comes second ... Ryan Sumner. Lastly, the job. Evie only knows her boss by Mr. Smith, but after she failed miserably with her last job, Evie can't screw up the Ryan Sumner job if she wants to go leave this live behind and reclaim her true identity. WOW . . . Ashley Elston weaved a fantastic story that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading First Lie Wins . It's so engaging that I couldn't wait to find out how it all was going to end. There were twists and turns galore that had me guessing the whole time. The author did wrap up the story line but ended in a way that there could be a sequel. I truly hope there's a sequel because I want more of this tale!! One of the things I enjoyed the most about First Lie Wins is that

Product Review: Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs

Earlier this summer, I stumbled across a website called Curious, I checked out what they are about. offers its members products to try for free. The only catch is members have to review the product or products they receive. This sounded like a great opportunity, and I signed up. This past Saturday, I received my first product to test. It came in what is called a "VoxBox", and the product is Sally Hansen's Airbrush Legs, which is a leg makeup that is supposed to cover up any freckles, blemishes, etc.  And, let me tell you, I was super excited to try this product. When I first put it on my legs, I thought I might have incorrectly read what the product was for because it made my legs look darker, and I thought that it might actually be a tanning lotion of sorts. However, I didn't read it wrong . . . it is a makeup for your legs. Sally Hansen's Airbrush Legs did help cover up some of my imperfections on my legs like some