Book Review: The Meadowbrook Murders by Jessica Goodman

The Meadowbrook Murders  by Jessica Goodman  is a young adult novel published on February 4, 2025. The story opens with the character Amy discovering the bodies of her classmates, Sarah and Ryan, who are undoubtedly deceased. Told from alternating perspectives of Amy and Liz, both students are trying to find out who and why someone would want to murder two students at a prestigious boarding school. I received an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of this book from NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Penguin Young Readers Group for free in exchange for my honest review. When the story first began, I thought it was taking place at a college or university before I realized it took place at a boarding school. Other than that slight confusion, this suspenseful mystery captured my attention from the very beginning and had me on the edge of my seat. Both of the main characters were vastly different from one another but were likable in their own way. Unfortunately, other than Amy and Liz, the only o...

Book Review: Murder at the Bookstore (The Bookstore Mystery, #1) by Sue Minix

Book Review Murder at the Bookstore (The Bookstore Mystery, #1) by Sue Minix

Murder at the Bookstore (The Bookstore Mystery, #1) by Sue Minix was published by Avon Books UK on January 19, 2023. It opens with Jen Dawson struggling with writer's block at the local bookstore.  When the owner of the bookstore happens to die, Jen is a mission to avenge her friend's death.

I'd like to thank NetGalley and Avon Books UK for the Advanced Readers Copy of Murder at the Bookstore (The Bookstore Mystery, #1) by Sue Minix.  I was happy that my request to read this book was approved because I found the cover and synopsis of the novel intriguing.  I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

Fun . . . Entertaining . . . Engrossing.  These are just a few words that I'd use to describe this book.  I loved the fact that some of the story took place in Savannah, Georgia because I have visited there and could imagine all the different spots and roads that were mentioned and kept thinking, "Oh, I know where that is!"  Most of the characters were very likeable, but there were a couple that I didn't like.  With that being said, one of the characters I didn't like ended up winning me over towards the end of the book.   This book was a quick read that I enjoyed immensely, and I will read the next installment when it comes out.

The only complaint I had about Murder at the Bookstore was that I figured out who the murderer was early on in the book.  Although the author kept throwing suspicion on other characters, I really didn't doubt who actually committed the crime.

Four out of five stars is what I gave Murder at the Bookstore (The Bookstore Mystery, #1) by Sue Minix.  The next installment in the series, The Murderous Type (The Bookstore Mystery, #2) by Sue Minix, is due out on May 25, 2023, which makes my day.


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