Book Review: The Meadowbrook Murders by Jessica Goodman
Not too long ago, I received a VoxBox from with a bunch of goodies for free in return for my honest review of the products. One of the products that I received was Theraflu Sinus & Pain, Apple Cinnamon Flavor.
I was finally able to test this particular product over the weekend. Even though apple cinnamon usually is a great flavor for most people, I didn't care for it in the Theraflu Sinus & Pain drink. It was a bit too sweet for me, so I had trouble drinking all of it. I think I'd like to try this in a chocolate flavor instead of a fruity flavor, but I don't know if they offer it in my preferred flavor.
With that being said, I was amazed with the results. It did help with all that it promised . . . sinus congestion, sinus pressure, runny nose, headache, and sneezing. And, it did last for the promised amount of time, which is four hours. It actually lasted a bit longer than the allotted time, which was a nice plus. Another thing about this product that was great is that it doesn't make you drowsy, at least it didn't make me drowsy. I didn't take more than one dosage as I went back to my normal allergy medicine when it was safe to do so.
All in all, it did do what it promised much to my surprise, so I have to give it five out of five stars despite me not caring for the flavor of the Theraflu Sinus & Pain. I definitely recommend this product for those who suffer from allergies like I do.
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