Book Review: First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston is about a woman named Evie Porter that has everything a woman could want. But the catch is ... Evie Porter doesn't exist. Her identity and location comes first ... Evie Porter. The mark comes second ... Ryan Sumner. Lastly, the job. Evie only knows her boss by Mr. Smith, but after she failed miserably with her last job, Evie can't screw up the Ryan Sumner job if she wants to go leave this live behind and reclaim her true identity. WOW . . . Ashley Elston weaved a fantastic story that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading First Lie Wins . It's so engaging that I couldn't wait to find out how it all was going to end. There were twists and turns galore that had me guessing the whole time. The author did wrap up the story line but ended in a way that there could be a sequel. I truly hope there's a sequel because I want more of this tale!! One of the things I enjoyed the most about First Lie Wins is that

Book Review: Betrayal (The Secret Diaries, #2) by Janice Harrell

Betrayal (The Secret Diaries, #2) by Janice Harrell picks up where the first book in the series leaves off.  When Casey starts drinking and blackmailing Johanna's group of friends, they start to worry about his well being and whether he will spill the beans about what happened to Laurie Jenkins.

This is one of my favorite series from when I was a teenager, and I have to reread it every so often . . . it's that good and in my opinion, has stood the test of time despite none of the kids having cell phones.  Although cell phones were a thing in the early 1990's, they were still expensive to make phone calls on, so not everyone had one, and that is the reason they aren't featured in this story.
Part suspense, part horror, this is a great young adult novel for kids thirteen and up.  It even has some romance in it.  One of the characters does have sex in the book, but it doesn't go into any detail at all about it other than the characters were kissing.  It was all very chaste, so parents needn't worry about their kids reading about it, but if you're worried about it, then I would read the book before letting your kid read it.

The group of friends do have a lot of free time to hang out.  Unfortunately, there isn't a lot to do in Barton, North Carolina.  The thing that still surprises me is how uninvolved the parents are and have no idea where their kids are going or what they are doing.

Five out of five stars is what I give Betrayal (The Secret Diaries, #2) by Janice Harrell.  I would love to see this series turned into a movie or a mini-series.  I can still hope, right?  After all, The Secret Circle by L.J. Smith was turned into a television series a few years ago.

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