Book Review: Finlay Donovan Digs Her Own Grave (Finlay Donovan, #5) by Elle Cosimano

Finlay Donovan Digs Her Own Grave (Finlay Donovan, #5) by Elle Cosimano   opens where the last installment ended. Mrs. Haggerty has been arrested after the body of a man was found buried in her back yard but is cleared by the police. Finlay is roped into letting Mrs. Haggerty stay at her house until the utilities are turned back on at Mrs. Haggerty's house. Finlay and Vero are on their best behavior and in no hurry to be involved in another murder but ends up helping to solve who buried the man in Mrs. Haggerty's yard so she can be rid of the old woman. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for approving my request to read Finlay Donovan Digs Her Own Grave (Finlay Donovan, #5) by Elle Cosimano. I received an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) for free in exchange for my honest review. I absolutely loved the fifth installment in this series. The thing I enjoyed the character development of Mrs. Haggerty along with some of her backstory. It gave me a new found respect for ...

Book Review: Horseback Summer (Horse Crazy # 1) by Virginia Vail

Book Review Horseback Summer (Horse Crazy, #1) by Virginia Vail
Back in October, my local library system, which has 16 libraries throughout the county, had their semi-annual book sale where all proceeds help the library system. I was originally supposed to be in Nashville for the weekend but had to cancel my plans at the last minute, so I decided to go to the library sale instead. Browsing through the books, I came across a book that I loved in middle school called Horseback Summer (Horse Crazy # 1) by Virginia Vail. I didn't even hesitate, I grabbed the book and bought it for old times sake. Now if I can only get my hands on the rest of the series!

There was some drama in my neighborhood earlier this week and knowing that there might be some additional drama tonight, I decided I needed to read something that wouldn't be too dramatic or to difficult to read. It was a perfect time to read Horseback Summer (Horse Crazy # 1). As I began, it was exactly as I remembered and brought back all those fuzzy wuzzy feelings of my childhood.

First and foremost, I love the fact that the synopsis of each book, which appears on the back cover, is in the form of the main character writing a letter to her friend. I have always thought this to be a brilliant idea and great way to catch a reader's attention, especially those who may not enjoy reading. It is after all what first caught my attention all those years ago.

The characters in the series are stereotypical, but I don't think it really detracts from the actual storyline. Surprisingly, the characters are very well developed for a book aimed for 9-11 year olds and the length being so short. And, from what I remember, the characters become even more developed as the series goes on. I had no problem picturing the characters either, but it didn't hurt that there were a few pictures sprinkled throughout the book as well.

book review horseback summer horse crazy 1 by virginia vail
Horseback Summer is the book that made me want to go to camp and one that was an overnight camp that lasted the entire summer. I never did make it to an overnight summer camp, but I probably would have been way too homesick to stay anyways. I am such a homebody. This book also made me want to be a jockey . . . if you haven't figured it out from the title, it's about horses! Little did I know at the time it takes years of work to become a jockey!

If you have a child that doesn't like to read or finds it boring, I definitely recommend you find a copy pronto for your kid to read, especially if they love horses. is a great resource for used and out of print books.

Synopsis:  Emily Jordan and her best friend Judy are going to Webster's Country Horse Camp for the summer for their first time ever. That is until Judy falls out of a tree and breaks her leg trying to rescue her cat Sprinkles from the very same tree. Follow Emily and her cabin mates as they learn the ropes at camp.

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